Sitemap - 2023 - Cardijn Reflections

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt VS See-Judge-Act

Let there be peace on earth and mercy mild

When Christmas is over...

Being salt and light

Catholic Social Teaching: A NEW Book and My Review

Is YOUR "Bethlehem" Important?

How to be a disciple of Jesus

Is Catholic Social Teaching a thing?

“I am the servant of the Lord.”

See The Patterns...Hear the Words.

Hold your heads high

Cardijn Library Black Friday Appeal

“Nobody gets to heaven without a letter of reference from the poor”

Rejected by his own people

You heard the parable in today's Gospel reading, but did you SEE it?

How Often Do We Encounter Hassles?

Let Your Light Shine!

Are we awake, or are we sleepwalking?

We all have heard the voice "Mind the Gap"

You Are the Son of God

We Grieve More Often Than We Think

Jesus, please heal me!

The Dignity Code of Jesus.

I came to set fire to the world

Mater et Magistra~Render to Ceasar~What is in The hearts of humans?

People speak the things that are in their hearts

"WWIII Piecemeal" - Pacem in Terris - A New World Order?

Knock, and the door will open for you.

Is Catholic Social Teachings(CST) the correct answer if everyone in our politics is different? A Look at CST and the Dominant Economic Paradigm

On a Mission from God …

Albert Nolan, Joseph Cardijn, and Lous Putz: The Synod and Where is the Kingdom of God?

Take up your cross and follow Jesus

Cardijn starts his theology studies

The Cyprian Pledge, Cardijn Method and Learning Circles

Lek Hackeri (Come, follow me)

France, a mission country?

The UAW is on Strike: Understanding Strikes with a Joseph Cardijn mindset.

God’s love, our faith

Cardijn's proposal for a 'Roman Centre' for the lay apostolate

Have you seen Prudence lately?

From now on, you will fish for people.

Betty King, a legendary jocist leader

Is it time to “belly up to the bar?” Will AI teach humans what it means to be a human?

Always be ready because ….

Lay people into action

Will AI teach humans what it means to be a human?

“Can anything good come from Nazareth?”

HOW TO DEVELOP A MINDSET for Understanding Societal Phase Change

Being Forgiven and Forgiving

Part Two: SEE the Patterns...HEAR the Words.

Make many seeds!

Marcel Callo: The JOC at World Youth Day

SEE the Patterns...HEAR the Words.

Like a homeowner bringing out new things and old things …

Blessed Enrique Angelelli, first martyr of Vatican II

The Heart of the matter: Part three

To See and to Hear

Ite missa est! The real YCW!

The Heart of the Matter: Part Two

The Good Shepherd? Or Hired Help?

About the life we live in this world

The Heart of the Matter: Answering the Call

Being a grain of wheat …

We are all prophets

On this rock I will build my church ….

Your heart will be where your treasure is.

The solution: Specialised Catholic Action

About what to do with the anger we experience

Jesus Heals a Paralysed Man

John XXIII’s New Pentecost

Using the SJA in studying and teaching Catholic Social Doctrine

Bonhoeffer, Cardijn and Gaudium et Spes

Hugh O’Sullivan’s Notes for Leaders

Helder Camara: An oath inspired by Cardijn

Henry Cardijn & his son’s consecration to the working class

The laity and the Council

School leavers

Coming down from Mount Tabor

The mission of young workers

A campaign to shorten the Eucharistic fast

The bankruptcy of evangelisation

The Christian conception of work

The working class problem

Prayer and the genuine jocist revolution

Cardijn honours Gabrielle Petit

Cardijn & the world of labour and technology

Marcel Carrier, another YCW martyr

The Catholic school as a place of dialogue

Len Faulkner kept the faith in the YCW

Nguyen Manh Ha, founder of the YCW in Vietnam

The Catholic school and the vocation of the worker

Remembering the legendary YCW extension worker, René Delécluse

Economics, See-Judge-Act, Synodality, and the Modern World

Reaching the masses

Worker Universities

The holiness of Fernand Tonnet & Paul Garcet

Early Christians of today

Remembering Flo Triendl

Social classes in Australia

Forming Leaders of Faith in Action

The jocist method: Enquiry for transformation

Australia’s Catholic community

A new Pentecost in Australia

The ‘seamless garment’ woven by Merton, Cardijn and Day

The Eucharist and a new humankind

Eucharistic transformation

Welcome to our Cardijn Reflections Substack

Must Catholics attend mass?

Towards a Church of the poor in Australia

The role of the jocist chaplain

At the end of a missionary trek

The Miracle of YCW

Builders of the social order

John XXIII’s encyclical Pacem in Terris

Developing the YCW in Asia

What is praxis?

Remembering Fr Ted Mitchinson

A Jocist Easter

Good Friday in the factory

It’s all about economics!

Cardijn on the Lay Apostolate: 1935

Paul McGuire, Australian lay apostle

Marc Sangnier, founder of the Sillon: 150 years (1873-1950)

Gaston Pineau, a priest for workers

Dom José Tavora, bishop of the workers and the poor

John Paul II on Cardijn

Finest example of the Church’s apostolate

Cardijn, promoter of democracy

Victor Salandini, the “tortilla priest”

Australian Catholics in 2016

Promoting Catholic Social Teaching

Mary and Joseph

Is it about spiritual anthropology?

Not just in word, but also in deed …

José Comblin 1923-2023

Let’s be apostles to our neighbours

Act to end the great scandal

Transforming the Australian milieu – where to begin?

Blessed Marcel Callo

Transforming the Australian milieu

Transforming the Australian milieu – a culturally diverse and ageing population

A spirituality of the lay apostolate

May our faith not be mere ideology

Who guards the threshold I cross over?

Cooperating with God

Emile Guerry: Prudence and the see-judge-act

Declining members in Christian organisations in Australia

The spirit of God himself

Son of Man came not to be served but to serve

They do not practice what they preach

See-Judge-Act: Following the Call

Our human and divine destinies

About fruit that will last …

Women and development

Australian Catholic organisations as employers of choice

Australian Catholic organisations, and the dignity of work and workers

The family: A divine institution

“Let us do ever so little for God”

We do not live on bread alone but …

The dignity of work and the worker

The sort of fast that pleases me

Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it!

Cardinal – not for yourself but for the YCW

“Bear much fruit and … be my disciples.”

Integral Human Development, Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey

Being Christian in our time

The price of democracy

Love God and Love Your Neighbour

See clearly, judge and decide with Léon Ollé-Laprune

How do we seek the truth with our whole soul? (Part 2)

How do we seek the truth with our whole soul? (Part 1)

Léon Ollé-Laprune: Philosopher of the see-judge-act

A Christian Australia?

Australia: An unrivalled land of apostolic opportunity

Family, Parish, School: When people don’t let God

Let go and let God …

The parish and young workers

Let us make man in our image

All that He created was good, and all those who touched Him were cured

Social action as a means of reviving parish life

Systemic, sustained and shameful: the exploitation of workers

A witness for justice

Workers called to be apostles

Daniel Esquivel Antero, a lay jocist martyr

Brothers André and Roger Vallée died in Nazi concentration camps

Brothers and Sisters All in Transforming the World

Ben Tillett: Christian, socialist, unionist

Information and interfaith relations

A model jocist president

Australia’s young Catholics

The Church, the Young and Mission

Making the love of God visible in Catholic schools

Lunar New Year in Vietnam

Cardijn’s China dream

The art of accompaniment with priests and religious

The art of accompaniment with fellow workers

The art of accompaniment

A good shepherd looks after the sheep

Wanted: Apostles to transform the world!

The priesthood of Melchizedek and the priesthood of the faithful

What will you do to promote Cardijn’s contributions?

Labels hide the truth …

Acting as a leaven

Priority for the poorest

Rowing against the wind without Jesus? That’s impossible!

With just five loaves and two fish – and Jesus – we can ….

Our place in God’s plan

Lay people as priests, prophets and kings

Who is a saint?

Saving the Planet

Educating school leavers

Being an apostle …

The Most Holy Name of Jesus and the human person

Missionaries of the Interior

A New Year’s Resolution for 2023