Sitemap - 2024 - Cardijn Reflections

Me invited to the Prince’s wedding feast? Wow!

Scribes, Technology, and Labor

To Recover is to Reimagine.

Mediums; use them wisely!

There were disciples and there was a crowd

Good Vibes, Good News, Good Future

We are not “Catholic Integralist.”

Christian messages and medium practices are starkly divided.

Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today.

A New Threesome...

Who is driving the bus?

A Cardijn Reflection: Is it time to See-Judge-Act on who we are as a society?

“It’s a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.”

Forever Learning, Why Not?

The Times are "a Changin" ~ The good the bad and the ugly.

"Remember, YOU are Church"

Have you ever pondered the profound symbolism of the mustard seed and the Cedar of Lebanon in the context of our spiritual journey?

Give Peace a Chance!

Understanding The Kingdom of God as Action.

Jesus Never Asked for a Co-Pay

Apocalypse on the Horizon?

Cardijn and The Patristic Fathers

See-Judge-Act: what is Techno-Theology?

Aristotle, Cardijn, and Aquinas

Will the real Jesus stand up

A Model for Changing Your World for the Greater Good

Jesus Before Christianity: God, Empire & Easter: Lessons learned for today?

Robert Ellsberg's Tuesdays with Merton presentation on Sr. Wendy is now available as a recording.

Papal Nuncio Cardinal Christophe Pierre speaking on the See-judge-Act Model.

What Change Do You Want To Be A Part Of?

A Conversation About Technology & Thomas Merton with The Cardijn Methods

Not just my feet, Lord, but all of me!

What am I optimistic about because of Joseph Cardijn?

A Book Review: The Listening Parish: A Guidebook to Synodality Practices in a Faith Community by Michael L. Papesh

Religion is always in the room even...

A book Recommendation you should not pass up

Judging is deconstructing: What about Artificial Intelligence?

What is your Karma telling you about your Dogma?

The Sitz im Leben of the 1940s. What can we learn?

Are We a Church that practices incarceration or liberation?

Well, it’s Lent, so …

"Innovate, Educate, Collaborate."

People get ready, there’s a train a-comin’

Does "Coffee & Doughnuts" Cut It?

Be a part of the changing of hearts and lives

“Give me leaders, and I will raise the world”~ Joseph Cardijn.

Go and tell the Good News to everyone.

Merton~Cardijn~See-Judge-Act & Technology

Seeking Jesus

Making moral decisions in the face of violence

Are We Mystic-Activist?

“Lord, you can heal me, if you will.”

"Few are guilty, but all are responsible."

When the Messiah greets you …